This newsletter is going to be a bit different, as this moment marks a very special occasion. Activate to Captivate has now been providing communication training for ten years!
This anniversary is quite meaningful to me, as it’s allowed me to take a moment and reflect on the tremendous journey I’ve had. From teaching a few workshops a year, to a few workshops a day, I am forever grateful to the people I’ve been able to coach and collaborate with for the last decade. It’s certainly not easy starting a small business. However, when you deeply love doing something, and you’re lucky enough to work with people who recommend your work to others, amazing things can happen. When I think of just some of the milestones I’ve had, including trademarking my own public speaking program, W.A.V.E.®, becoming an international speaker, leading workshops for numerous scientific foundations, having my services written into training grants, being an executive coach at various companies, and having worked with thousands of researchers at universities across the country… it is difficult to fully express what this moment means. To everyone I have been able to work with over the last decade, please know how thankful I am. Being able to spend every day facilitating communication workshops, helping people craft engaging presentations, and coaching folks as they prepare for promotions, has truly been the greatest gift — and it’s only possible because of all of you. I had no idea how wonderful the last ten years would be and I can only dream of what amazing adventures the next decade will bring! Author: Bri McWhorter Comments are closed.
AuthorBri McWhorter is the Founder and CEO of Activate to Captivate. Categories
June 2024