Below is an overview of upcoming workshops.
Please click the links to sign up for various workshops.
If you are interested in setting up a workshop for your company or university, please contact us.
Please click the links to sign up for various workshops.
If you are interested in setting up a workshop for your company or university, please contact us.
Lunch & Learn: Presentation Skills at UC San Francisco
March 7th
Communication Tips at the AAIC Neuroscience Next Hub in Indiana
February 27th
Communication & Collaboration at UC Irvine's Department of Clinical Pharmacy Practice
February 13th
Presentation Delivery Tips W.A.V.E.® at UC Santa Barbara
February 10th
Perfecting Your Research Pitch at UC San Francisco
February 5th
Crafting Your Elevator Pitch at UC San Diego
February 5th
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
Jan 21, 23, 28, 30, Feb 4, 6
Tuesdays (virtual) & Thursdays (on-campus) from 1-2:30pm
Improv for Teaching Certificate Program at UC Irvine
Jan 21, 23, 28, 30
Tuesdays & Thursdays (virtual) from 10am-11:30am
Scientific Storytelling at the 245th American Astronomical Society Meeting
January 11th
Communication Skills Boot camp at UNC Chapel Hill
January 7th
Lunch & Learn: Presentation Skills at UC San Francisco
March 7th
Communication Tips at the AAIC Neuroscience Next Hub in Indiana
February 27th
Communication & Collaboration at UC Irvine's Department of Clinical Pharmacy Practice
February 13th
Presentation Delivery Tips W.A.V.E.® at UC Santa Barbara
February 10th
Perfecting Your Research Pitch at UC San Francisco
February 5th
Crafting Your Elevator Pitch at UC San Diego
February 5th
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
Jan 21, 23, 28, 30, Feb 4, 6
Tuesdays (virtual) & Thursdays (on-campus) from 1-2:30pm
Improv for Teaching Certificate Program at UC Irvine
Jan 21, 23, 28, 30
Tuesdays & Thursdays (virtual) from 10am-11:30am
Scientific Storytelling at the 245th American Astronomical Society Meeting
January 11th
Communication Skills Boot camp at UNC Chapel Hill
January 7th
Presentation Skills at UC Irvine's Pathology Department
April 14th
Presentation Skills at UC Davis
April 1st
Presentation Skills at Duke University
April 25th
Scientific Communications at the VCID Conference
May 12-15th
Scientific Communications at IMPACT-AD
August 26th
Presentation Skills at the TRDRP Meeting
September 11-13th
Distilling Your Message for the CHRP Trainees
September 14th
Communication & Collaboration at the Bright Focus Glaucoma Fast Track
October 7th
Presentation Skills at UC Irvine's Pathology Department
April 14th
Presentation Skills at UC Davis
April 1st
Presentation Skills at Duke University
April 25th
Scientific Communications at the VCID Conference
May 12-15th
Scientific Communications at IMPACT-AD
August 26th
Presentation Skills at the TRDRP Meeting
September 11-13th
Distilling Your Message for the CHRP Trainees
September 14th
Communication & Collaboration at the Bright Focus Glaucoma Fast Track
October 7th
FALL 2024
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
October 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 23
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-11:30am (online)
Building Your Personal and Professional Brand at UC Irvine
October 11 (online)
Presentation Delivery Tips at UC San Diego
October 22 (online)
Scientific Storytelling at UC San Diego
November 13 (online)
Distilling and Crafting Your Pitch at The Mayo Clinic
October 9 (online)
Public Speaking Tips at The Mayo Clinic
October 16 (online)
Communication and Collaboration Tips at The Mayo Clinic
October 23 (online)
Scientific Communications at the BrightFocus Alzheimer's FastTrak
October 1-4 (Chicago)
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
October 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 23
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-11:30am (online)
Building Your Personal and Professional Brand at UC Irvine
October 11 (online)
Presentation Delivery Tips at UC San Diego
October 22 (online)
Scientific Storytelling at UC San Diego
November 13 (online)
Distilling and Crafting Your Pitch at The Mayo Clinic
October 9 (online)
Public Speaking Tips at The Mayo Clinic
October 16 (online)
Communication and Collaboration Tips at The Mayo Clinic
October 23 (online)
Scientific Communications at the BrightFocus Alzheimer's FastTrak
October 1-4 (Chicago)
Scientific Communications for UCSB PROWESS
June 17 (on-campus)
Personal Branding Workshop for A2i at UC Irvine
July 16 (on-campus)
Scientific Communications for the Stark Neuroscience Symposium at Indiana University
July 23 (on-campus)
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
August 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22
Tuesdays from 10am-11:30am (online) & Thursdays (on-campus) from 10am-11:45am
Improv for Teaching Certificate Program at UC Irvine
August 13, 15, 20, 22
Tuesdays & Thursdays (on-campus) from 1pm-2:30pm
Scientific Communications for UCSB PROWESS
June 17 (on-campus)
Personal Branding Workshop for A2i at UC Irvine
July 16 (on-campus)
Scientific Communications for the Stark Neuroscience Symposium at Indiana University
July 23 (on-campus)
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
August 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22
Tuesdays from 10am-11:30am (online) & Thursdays (on-campus) from 10am-11:45am
Improv for Teaching Certificate Program at UC Irvine
August 13, 15, 20, 22
Tuesdays & Thursdays (on-campus) from 1pm-2:30pm
Scientific Communications at the Huntington Disease Foundation
May 30 (online)
Improv for Interviewing at UC Santa Barbara
May 21 from 11:30am-1pm (online)
Delivering an Engaging Talk at UC Santa Barbara
May 21 from 2-3:30pm (online)
Public Speaking Boot Camp by Activate to Captivate at UC Irvine
April 25 from 12:30-4pm (on-campus)
Scientific Communications at Krembil Research Day
April 11
Executive Communications for IBM's Pan Asian Career Squad
April 16 from 8am-9am (webex)
Scientific Communications at the Huntington Disease Foundation
May 30 (online)
Improv for Interviewing at UC Santa Barbara
May 21 from 11:30am-1pm (online)
Delivering an Engaging Talk at UC Santa Barbara
May 21 from 2-3:30pm (online)
Public Speaking Boot Camp by Activate to Captivate at UC Irvine
April 25 from 12:30-4pm (on-campus)
Scientific Communications at Krembil Research Day
April 11
Executive Communications for IBM's Pan Asian Career Squad
April 16 from 8am-9am (webex)
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
January 22, 24, 29, 31 Feb 5, 7
Mondays from 10am-11:30am (online) & Wednesdays (on-campus) from 10am-11:45am
Improv for Teaching Certificate Program at UC Irvine
January 16, 18, 23, 25
Tuesdays (online) & Thursdays (online) from 10:00am-11:30am
Crafting Your Elevator Pitch at UC Santa Barbara
February 6
Delivering an Engaging Talk at UC Santa Barbara
February 20
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
January 22, 24, 29, 31 Feb 5, 7
Mondays from 10am-11:30am (online) & Wednesdays (on-campus) from 10am-11:45am
Improv for Teaching Certificate Program at UC Irvine
January 16, 18, 23, 25
Tuesdays (online) & Thursdays (online) from 10:00am-11:30am
Crafting Your Elevator Pitch at UC Santa Barbara
February 6
Delivering an Engaging Talk at UC Santa Barbara
February 20
FALL 2023
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
October 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27
Wednesdays & Fridays (online) from 10:00am — 11:30am
Improv for Interviewing at UC Santa Barbara
November 16th
Public Speaking at UC Santa Cruz
November 30th
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
October 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27
Wednesdays & Fridays (online) from 10:00am — 11:30am
Improv for Interviewing at UC Santa Barbara
November 16th
Public Speaking at UC Santa Cruz
November 30th
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
July 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28
Wednesdays (in-person) from 10:00am — 12:00pm
Fridays on Zoom (online) from 10:00am — 11:30am
Improv for Teaching Certificate Program at UC Irvine
July 11, 13, 18, 20 on Mondays and Wednesdays (in-person) from 1:30pm-3:00pm
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
July 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28
Wednesdays (in-person) from 10:00am — 12:00pm
Fridays on Zoom (online) from 10:00am — 11:30am
Improv for Teaching Certificate Program at UC Irvine
July 11, 13, 18, 20 on Mondays and Wednesdays (in-person) from 1:30pm-3:00pm
Improv for Teaching Certificate Program at UC Irvine
April 10, 12, 17, 19. Mondays and Wednesdays (in-person) from 2:00-3:30pm
Improv for Teaching Certificate Program at UC Irvine
April 10, 12, 17, 19. Mondays and Wednesdays (in-person) from 2:00-3:30pm
Motivating Through Meetings at UC Santa Barbara
March 7 from 11am-12:30pm (in-person)
Developing Your Brand at UC Santa Barbara
March 7 from 1-2:30pm(in-person)
Preparing your Elevator Pitch at UC San Francisco
February 1 (online)
Crafting Your Elevator Pitch at UC Santa Barbara
January 13th (in-person) from 9:30-11:30am
Improv for Interviewing at UC Santa Barbara
January 13th (in-person) from 1:30-3:00pm
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
January 17, 19, 24, 26, 31 & February 2, 7, 9.
Session One: Tuesdays (in-person) and Thursdays (online) from 1pm-2:30pm
Session Two: Tuesdays and Thursdays (online) from 3:30-5pm
Excellence in Engineering Communications at UC Irvine
January 17, 19, 24, 26, 31 & February 2, 7, 9.
Tuesdays (in-person) and Thursdays (online) from 10:30am — 12pm
Preparing your Grad Slam Pitch at UC Santa Cruz
January 23rd from 11am-1pm (in-person) and 2-4pm (in-person)
Preparing your Grad Slam Pitch at UC Irvine
January 24th (in-person) & 25th (online) from 12-1pm
Motivating Through Meetings at UC Santa Barbara
March 7 from 11am-12:30pm (in-person)
Developing Your Brand at UC Santa Barbara
March 7 from 1-2:30pm(in-person)
Preparing your Elevator Pitch at UC San Francisco
February 1 (online)
Crafting Your Elevator Pitch at UC Santa Barbara
January 13th (in-person) from 9:30-11:30am
Improv for Interviewing at UC Santa Barbara
January 13th (in-person) from 1:30-3:00pm
Public Speaking by Activate to Captivate Certificate Program at UC Irvine
January 17, 19, 24, 26, 31 & February 2, 7, 9.
Session One: Tuesdays (in-person) and Thursdays (online) from 1pm-2:30pm
Session Two: Tuesdays and Thursdays (online) from 3:30-5pm
Excellence in Engineering Communications at UC Irvine
January 17, 19, 24, 26, 31 & February 2, 7, 9.
Tuesdays (in-person) and Thursdays (online) from 10:30am — 12pm
Preparing your Grad Slam Pitch at UC Santa Cruz
January 23rd from 11am-1pm (in-person) and 2-4pm (in-person)
Preparing your Grad Slam Pitch at UC Irvine
January 24th (in-person) & 25th (online) from 12-1pm